Optimize Your Terrain

What does “Optimizing Your Terrain” mean?

Let’s start with defining what we mean by Terrain. Our terrain describes the environment where we live and the readiness of our minds and bodies to perform. It also describes how much damage we can withstand and how quickly we can recover from life’s stressors. Life is a journey, and we can have our best version of this journey by optimizing the terrain.

In the 1800s Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) put forward germ theory which is the basis of our understanding of disease being caused by bacteria and viruses. Pasteur’s work led to the modern marvels of medicine that have saved countless lives and improved our quality of life. Unfortunately, along the way we lost sight of Pasteur’s contemporary, Claude Bernard (1813-1878). Bernard believed the internal balance of the body was critical noting that not everyone became ill when exposed to a pathogen and many of the pathogens that “cause” disease are part of the average person’s biome.

So, who’s right? My view – both.

It seems to me that ignoring either is being close minded and would unnecessarily limit options for living a productive, long, and energy filled life. Today’s medical system is exceptional at treating acute illnesses. Antibiotics, testing, life saving surgeries are lifesaving tools. At the same time traditional western medicine has struggled with today’s health crisis in chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, inflammation, obesity, and diabetes. These diseases need different tools. Similarly, what can we take from ancient teachings to enhance our health and make us the best, most capable version of ourselves while we are on our life journey? I believe the answer to this question comes from optimizing your body, mind, and environment – your terrain.

Your body, mind, and environment interact in a beautiful complex system. Like a stool with three legs you can only do so much with one dimension of your terrain before you need to address imbalances in the other two dimensions. Optimize Your Terrain is a resource for everyone seeking to improve their total health.

Thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey. RWH.

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